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Why email marketing?

A simple and affordable way to use email communication to reach your target audience, build brand awareness, promote your products or services and build customer relationships.

The main objective of email marketing

The main objectives of email marketing are: retaining potential customers, engaging existing customers, increasing sales and conversions, increasing website traffic and building brand loyalty.

Managing contact databases

The main objectives of email marketing are: retaining potential customers, engaging existing customers, increasing sales and conversions, increasing website traffic and building brand loyalty.

The customer makes a purchase

Step 1
Welcome email.

Step 2
Weekly promotional email messages.

Step 3
When a customer responds to promotional messages, we offer them additional services (e.g., webinar, ebook, etc.).

Step 4
If a customer does not respond to promotional messages, they are moved to a different contact database (e.g., benefits, discounts, etc.).

The contact has been processed.

Kupec opravi nakup.

1. korak
E-poštno sporočilo dobrodošlice.

2. korak
Tedenska promocijska e-poštna sporočila.

3. korak
Ko stranka reagira na promocijska sporočila ji ponudimo dodatne storitve (npr. webinar, ebook…).

4. korak
Če stranka ne reagira na promocijska sporočila, so prestavimo v drugo bazo kontaktov (npr. ugodnosti, popusti…).

Kontakt je obdelan.

I would like more information

Mnenja naših strank

Strokovno ozadje, razumevanje digitalnega okolja in izredna tehnična podpora so samo ena izmed kvalitet ekipe WPM. Omnipemf blagovna znamka je globalno pozicionirana kar tudi zahteva globalno konkurenčnost, odzivnost tehnične ekipe in razumevanje digitalnega okolja. Ekipi WPM se zahvaljujem, saj pri WPM-ju nimam občutka da gre za zunanje izvajalce, so enakostavno del naše ekipe.

Marko Kadunc / omnipemf.com

Z veseljem priporočamo WPM. So eno od edinih podjetij, s katerimi smo se pogovarjali in je bilo pripravljeno prevzeti naše obstoječe spletno mesto, ki temelji na woo commerce, in ga nadgraditi, namesto da bi kot edino možnost ponudilo popolno prenovo iz nič. Delujejo hitro in imajo odličen podporni sistem, ki nam omogoča spremljanje napredka na naši spletni strani v realnem času. WPM je kot del naše ekipe, saj imajo odlične predloge, ki koristijo naši splošni prodaji in izkušnji blagovne znamke.

Aina Rejlič / pawzler.com
Mojca Zidar

Prenova spletne strani www.dizi.org nam je predstavljala velik zalogaj in smo tovrstno potezo odlašali dlje časa.
Jurij in ekipa WPM so za nas poskrbeli brezhibno, nam omogočili enostaven prehod na novo spletno stran, nam nudili konstantno podporo ter bili na voljo za naše zahteve/vprašanja. Upoštevali so naše želje, hkrati pa nam ponudili razvite tehnične posodobitve. Veselimo se nadaljnjega sodelovanja in priporočamo storitve WPM ekipe.

Mojca Zidar / dizi.org

A professional background, understanding of the digital environment and outstanding technical support are just some of the qualities of the WPM team. The Omnipemf brand is globally positioned which also requires global competitiveness, responsiveness of the technical team and understanding of the digital environment. I would like to thank the WPM team, because at WPM I don’t feel that they are outsourced, they are an equal part of our team.

Marko Kadunc / omnipemf.com
Mojca Zidar

The redesign of the www.dizi.org website was a major undertaking and we had been delaying this move for a long time.
Jurij and the WPM team took impeccable care of us, made the transition to the new website easy, provided us with constant support and were available for our requests/questions. They took our wishes into consideration while offering us developed technical updates. We look forward to further cooperation and recommend the services of the WPM team.

Mojca Zidar / dizi.org


Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that uses email to promote your company’s products or services. It is a very important tool to raise awareness among potential customers/clients about your new products or offers, and plays an important role in educating the target audience about your brand, especially in between purchases.

Email marketing is important because it enables businesses to reach their target audience directly, build customer relationships, promote products or services and drive conversions.

Increase sales, raise brand awareness, generate new contacts or “Leads” and increase consumer engagement and loyalty.

Typical areas that can be covered with email marketing automation:

  • Order confirmation,
  • delivery confirmation,
  • birthday greetings,
  • abandoned basket notification,
  • welcome email,
  • cross-sell and upsell sporočila.

Email marketing usually involves building an email recipient base, creating attractive and relevant content and sending emails to the entire recipient base via an email service provider.

Some of the benefits of email marketing include cost-effectiveness, potentially high ROI*, personalised communication, easy tracking and analytics, and the ability to reach a wide audience.

The *profitability depends on the quality of the content, the relevance of the content, the number of automated emails, the consistency, the segmentation of the contact base, etc.

You can build your email marketing base by offering relevant content and added value in exchange for people’s email addresses or contacts. You can acquire contacts through online sign-up forms on your website, by promoting your newsletter or mailing list, and through social media and existing customers.

An email service provider is a platform or software that allows businesses to manage and send email campaigns. It usually provides features such as email templates, list management, analytics and automation. At WPM, we are also a proud partner of Klaviyo, an email service provider.

To create effective email content, we advise you to focus on the content first. Create content that is personalised, relevant and offers valuable information to your target audience. It is extremely important that your emails contain compelling headlines, clear CTAs (call to action), attractive design, and are optimised for mobile devices, short, punchy and compelling.

The frequency with which you send marketing emails depends on your target audience and the type of content you deliver. It is best to find a balance that keeps your subscribers interested in your emails without overwhelming them.

To improve the deliverability of emails, it is advisable to maintain a clean and up-to-date database of your email contacts, avoid using words that trigger spam detection or overly promotional language. We can also use email authentication with DKIM, SPF and DMARC protocols, and monitor email metrics.

You can measure the success of your email campaigns by monitoring metrics such as open rates, clicks, conversions, bounces and unsubscribe rates. These metrics provide insights into the effectiveness of your emails.

Some email marketing best practices include getting permission before adding someone to your email list, personalising emails, segmenting your audience, testing different elements, providing an easy unsubscribe option and complying with email marketing legislation.


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