
FC Olimpija Ljubljana


After the change of management, the new one decided that a renovated website is a must, as the old one was slow and unresponsive.

We renovated the whole website for our client including unified graphic design and content and managed to transfer all posts from 2010 on. We are proud that we became an official digital partner of FC Olimpija after the website renovation.

Website improvements after the renovation

51 %
Visit growth
70 %
Lower bounce rate
21 %
New users
Olimpija logo
Grafično oblikovanje

We agreed with our client that their website needs a more modern design, one that would improve the user experience and makes browsing through the website more user friendly. Changes in design create a more modern look and make the browsing easier.

When we enter the website we get greeted by an interactive slider that categorizes news based on their importance. While scrolling down we can see important news on one side, and an interactive scoreboard that automatically updates the matches, shows us upcoming matches, as well as the last played game. Below the scoreboard we can also see the match scale for Telemach First League.

Reading an individual article is also accompanied with a modern look that spreads out through the whole website. WordPress platform enables the client to post and edit news on their own and also hides an added value and proof of innovativeness in special hashtags.

We immediately advised our client to implement in the hashtags in the concept phase.

The function of hashtags is that below them you can see any new that has to do with a certain hashtag.

If we add a hashtag while posting a new article, there are going to be other similar news below this hashtag.

After a successfully created and launched website we came to an agreement with the new management to continue with our collaboration and became their digital partner.

Currently we manage regular maintenance, run regular prize games and planning the creation of a webstore.

Skupaj s stranko smo se dogovorili za bolj moderno oblikovanje, ki izboljša uporabniško izkušnjo in naredi stran uporabniku prijaznejšo. Oblikovne spremembe poskrbijo za bolj moderen izgled in poskrbijo za lažje brskanje po spletni strani.

Ob prvem prihodu na spletno stran nas tako pozdravi interaktiven slider, ki kategorizira novice po pomembnosti. S pomikom navzdol se na eni strani nadaljujejo najnovejše novice, na drugi strani pa nas čaka interaktiven “semafor”, ki prikazuje naslednjo tekmo in zadnjo odigrano tekmo ter se avtomatično posodablja glede na razpored tekem. Pod njim nas čaka še lestvica Prve lige Telemach.

Pogled posamezne novice prav tako krasi modern videz, ki se prenaša po celotni spletni strani. Platforma Wordpress pa stranki omogoča, da lahko sama novice objavlja in ureja. Dodatna vrednost in izkaz inovativnosti pa se skriva v posebnih hashtag-ih. Razvoj slednjih smo stranki predlagali že ob zasnovi spletne strani.

Funkcija hashtagov je, da se pod njimi prikazujejo vse novice povezane z določenim hashtagom. Če ob objavi novice le-tej dodamo hashtag #okrepitev bodo tako pod novico objavljene zadnje 3 novice, ki imajo enak hashtag.

Po uspešno izdelani spletni strani smo se z vodstvom kluba dogovorili za nadaljnje sodelovanje in postali njihov digitalni partner.

Trenutno skrbimo za redno vzdrževanje spletne strani, izvajamo redne akcije oziroma nagradne igre in načrtujemo izdelavo spletne trgovine.


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